Thursday, January 28, 2010

Draymond Pre-Order Info

Pleeeeease read this before you pre-order (or even order) the new Draymond tee. If you're trying to have this IN HAND to wear for the Purdue basketball game, the easiest way would be to order it now; and pick it up at our house pretty much anytime after we get it and before the game. Here's how.

1. Place your order, use coupon code "6THMAN" for 15% off if you're feeling the effects of the recession.
2. Print out whatever confirmation PayPal and BigCartel send you.
3. Bring that confirmation and a photo ID, one of our roommates was a bouncer back home so no funny business.
4. Call or Text (Text) 269-290-4854 when you'd like to pick up your order.
5. When you get here we'll check our lists twice to make sure you ordered one, grab your tees and refund your shipping.

Shirts will be in hand around Thursday the 4th, so they aren't eligible for pickup before that; but we'll try to have at least one person home the rest of the time between then and the game so you can grab them.

If you don't care about when you receive the order (shouldn't take much longer to get to you, but definitely not in time for the game) just order normally; any tees not claimed by the afternoon on Tuesday, February 9th will be sent out when the post office closes (4:30ish). Alright cool.

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